#Digital security

Access Now

Access Now defends and extends the digital rights of people and communities at risk. By combining direct technical support, strategic advocacy, grassroots grantmaking, and convenings such as RightsCon, they fight for human rights in the digital age.

#Digital security

Cyber Arabs

Cyber Arabs is an Arabic-language resource for digital security, providing essential advice and news on apps to protect your communication online.

#Digital security

Dalil Digital Platform


#Digital security

Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI)

Media Legal Defence Initiative (MLDI) provides legal help for journalists, bloggers and independent media across the world. It has funded the defence of hundreds of journalists and secured 'wins' in the vast majority of cases.

#Digital security

Online Violence Response Hub

This Hub is a resource centre where women journalists can come to find the latest information on online abuse and harassment. From psychosocial trauma response to the latest digital safety guides, the Hub puts everything in one place.

#Digital security


Whether you’re experiencing or witnessing online abuse, this Field Manual offers concrete strategies for how to defend yourself and others

#Digital security

Security in a Box

Security in-a-Box is a guide to digital security for activists and human rights defenders, offering advice on how to use social networking platforms and mobile phones more safely.

#Digital security

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) is a legal institution with lawyers and researchers to defend freedom of expression in Egypt and the Arab world.

#Digital security

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights is an NGO that documents human rights abuses and supports media freedoms.

#Digital security

The Samir Kassir Foundation

is a non-profit civic organisation, working within civil society and cultural circles to spread democratic culture in Lebanon and the Arab world.

#Digital security